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ギタリストとしては「MULL HOUSE」<上村勝正(Bass)、外山明(Ds)>のリーダーとして活躍。また、林栄一・石渡明廣DUO、渋谷毅オーケストラ、「Quiet StoRm」<秋山一将、石渡明廣(G)、峰厚介(Sax)、岡田勉(Bass)、セシル・モンロー(Ds)>等、先進的な サウンドを追求するグループで活動する。エキセントリックで攻撃的なプレイに特徴がある。コンポーザーとしての評価も高い。

MULL HOUSEでは、1stアルバム『MULL HOUSE』<石渡明廣 (g.)、林 栄一 (a.sax.)、青木タイセイ (tb.key.)、上村勝正 (b.)、外山 明 (dr. perc.)>と、2ndアルバム『Funny phenomenon in my Brain』を発表。

一方ドラマーとしては、これまで渋谷毅(p)、明田川荘之(p)、千野秀一(p)、原田依幸(p)、等と共演。 アルバムでは、コクシネル『re-incarnation』<野方攝 (vo, g)、 池田洋一郎 (g)、宍戸幸司 (g)、中山努 (key)、近藤達郎 (pf)、 早川岳晴 (b) >やアケタズディスク『AKETA MEETS TAKEDA I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT YOU』<明田川荘之(p,synth,etc)武田和命(ts)山崎弘一(b)米木康志(b)石渡明廣(ds)亀山賢一(ds)>等に参加。

Akihiro ISHIWATARI Profile


Ishiwatari began playing the guitar and drums when he was in the 5th grade. He later learned the jazz guitar, and grew presence as he assumed the role of musical director of the Butoh group “DAIRAKUDAKAN”

Ishiwatari appeared in the jazz scene in the late 1980’s. He has worked with numerous musicians as drummer in a wide variety of genres.

As a guitarist, Ishiwatari has worked with many groups that explore progressive sound, such as assuming the leader role of “MULL HOUSE” (with Katsumasa KAMIMURA(Bass) and Akira SOTOYAMA(Ds), and performing in Eiichi HAYASHI/ Akihiro ISHIWATARI DUO, Takeshi SHIBUYA ORCHESTRA, “Quiet StoRm”(with Kazumasa AKIYAMA, Akihiro ISHIWATARI(G), Kosuke MINE(Sax), Tsutomu OKADA(Bass), Cecil Monroe(Ds).


MULL HOUSE has released two albums, “MULL HOUSE” (with Akihiro ISHIWATARI (g.)、Eiichi HAYASHI (a.sax.)、Taisei AOKI (tb.key.)、Katsumasa KAMIMURA (b.)、Akira SOTOYAMA (dr. perc.) ) and “Funny phenomenon in my Brain”.

As a drummer, he has played with musicians such as Takeshi SHIBUYA(p), Shoji AKETAGAWA(p), Shuichi CHINO(p), and Yoriyuki HARADA(p). He has performed in albums such as COCKC’NELL’s “re-incarnation”( with Setsu NOGATA (vo, g)、 Yoichiro IKEDA (g), Koji Shishido(g), Tsutomu Nakayama (key), Tatsuro Kondo (pf), Takeharu HAYAKAWA (b)) and AKETA’S DISC『AKETA MEETS TAKEDA I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT YOU』( with Shoji AKETAGAWA(p,synth,etc), Kazunori TAKEDA(ts), Koichi YAMAZAKI(b), Yasushi YONEKI(b), Akihiro ISHIWATARI(ds), Kenichi Kameyama (ds))

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