Live Data
2020 July. 30
Shooting: 映像作成の人
Sound Remix: 音声作成の人

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太田惠資 Keisuke Ohta
(Violin, ElectricViolin, ラッパViolin, Voice など)
ユダヤ人のヴァイオリン弾きとして出演した「GHETTO」(栗山民也 演出)は読売演劇大賞、毎日芸術大賞などを受賞した。
Yolcu-Yoldaş (ヨルジュ・ヨルダシュ)を主宰している。
Keisuke Ohta
(Violin, ElectricViolin, StrohViolin, Voice etc.)
Born 1956 in Kumamoto, Ohta began playing the violin at the age of five. After majoring in chemistry at Kagoshima University, Ohta moved to Tokyo in 1983, beginning his career as a composer and arranger. Since, he has provided scores to various commercials, movies, plays, fashion shows, planitariums, and so on. Ohta has a unique style influenced by jazz and the folk music of regions such as Turkey, the middle east and India, specializing in improvisation.
He is a valuable studio musician capable of many genres, and has performed in several hundred songs by a variety of musicians. He is also known for his very distinct voice, which is also featured in a number of film, TV shows, game music and commercials. Ohta also appears on stage in musical theatre, often performing internationally. The play “GHETTO” (directed by Tamiya Kuriyama) where Ohta played the role of a Jewish violin player, was awarded the Yomiuri Theatre Award, the Mainichi Arts Award.
He is the leader of the group “Yolcu-Yoldaş”, a collaboration with Tsuneo Imabori (guitar) and Yoichi Okabe (percussions).
太田惠資 実績とリンク
自己のユニット、今堀恒雄(g)、岡部洋一(per)とのYolcu-Yoldaş (ヨルジュ・ヨルダシュ)の他、Alexei Aigui(vln)とのViolin Brothers! 、不破大輔(b)の渋さ知らズオーケストラ、大熊亘(cl)のCICALA-MVTA、梅津和時(sax)の新大久保ジェントルメン、佐藤允彦(p)のSTOY、高木潤一(g)とのMASARA、常味裕司(oud)とのArabindia、板橋文夫(p)オーケストラ、芳垣安洋(d)のVincentAtmicus、酒井泰三(g)のNO-MAD、一噌幸弘(笛)トリオ、吉野弘志(b)の「彼岸の此岸」、佐藤正治(per.vo.)のMASSA、斎藤ネコとの「ハナシガイ」、黒田京子(p)トリオ、
山口とも(per.)との「太黒山」、翠川敬基(cello)、向島ゆり子(vla)によるstrings trio 「ラ・シック」、立花泰彦(b)TOY、井上憲司(sitar)や宮野弘紀(g)との超無国籍音楽集団JAZICO、三橋美香子(vo)と蒙古斑、海沼正利(per)のTumba Créole、吉見征樹(tabla)とのトーク・セッション「do SHOW(どぉしょう)」、Christopher Hardy, Andy Bevan等とのTGA、木津かおりthe民謡、などのレギュラーメンバー。
共演アーティストも多く、あがた森魚、明田川荘之、あらい汎(pantomime)、石橋凌、板橋文夫、忌野清志郎、上田力、宇崎竜童、内田勘太郎、内橋和久、海老原美代子(belly dance)、及川恒平、おおたか静流、沖至、加賀谷香(dance)、片山広明、カルメン・マキ、木村充揮、木津茂理、黒沢美香(dance)、黒田京子、小室等、小山章太、五大路子、酒井俊、坂田明、渋谷毅、白石かずこ、仙波清彦、高橋竹山(二代目)、武元賀寿子(dance)、谷川賢作、知久寿焼、千野秀一、友部正人、中村善郎、灰野敬二、ハシケン、林栄一、原マスミ、弘田三枝子、藤本三四朗、前田清実(dance)、巻上公一、三上寬、翠川敬基、八木美知依、山下洋輔、山田うん(dance)、レナード衛藤、Cooco、MAHA(belly dance)、Soul Flower Union、Zabadak、(五十音順) Alan Silva、Bill Mays、 Billy Bang、Carlo Actis Dato、Joëlle Leandre、Loren Newton、Sellen Gülün、Zakir Hussein、等々。
ユダヤ人のヴァイオリン弾きとして出演した「GHETTO」(栗山民也 演出)は読売演劇大賞、 毎日芸術大賞などを受賞した。
山下洋輔(p)とのトルコ公演、佐藤允彦(p)とのインド・ネパール公演、燐光群の坂手洋二演出による江戸糸あやつり人形 結城座の東京、ベトナム、ルーマニア公演、八木美知依(箏)らとのポーランド公演、Alexei Aigui(vln)とのロシア公演。
NHK Eテレ「かおテレビ」のスマホ博士の声担当。
リーダー・アルバムは「Blue Rondo a la Turk」(NYのジャズピアニストBill MaysとのDuo)、「Caprice Portamento Island」 ( ロシアのバイオリニストAlexei AiguiとのDuo)、
「Yolcu-Yoldaş Live」(自己のリーダーユニット)などがある。
Other than his own group, “Yolcu-Yoldaş” where he collaborated with Tsuneo IMAHORI(g.) and Yoichi OKABE(per.), Ohta is also a regular member in bands such as Violin Brothers! with Alexei Aigui (vln.), Daisuke Fuwa’s Shibusashirazu Orchestra, Wataru OHKUMA’s CICALA-MTVA, Kazutoni UMEDU’s Shin-Ohkubo Gentlemen, Masahiko SATO’s STOY, MASARA where he plays with Jun’ichi TAKAGI, Arabindia where he plays with Yuji TSUNEMI, the Fumio ITABASHI Orchestra, Tasuhiro YOSHIGAKI’s VincentAtmicus, Taizo SAKAI’s NO-MAD, the Yukihiro ISSO Trio, Hiroshi YOSHINO’s “HIGAN no SHIGAN”, Masaharu SATO’s MASSA, Hanashigai where he performs with Neko SAITO, the Kyoko KURODA Trio, Oh-Kuro-Yama where he performs with Tomo YAMAGUCHI, La Chic, a strings trio with Keiki MIDORIKAWA and Yuriko MUKOUJIMA, super-international music ggroup JAZICO where he plays with Yasuhio TACHIBANA, Kenji INOUE and Hiroki MIYANO, Mokohan where he plays with Mikako MIHASHI, Masatoshi KAINUMA’s Tumba Créole, talk session with Masaki YOSHIMI “do SHOW”, TGA where he plays with musicians such as Christopher Hardy and Andy Bevan, Kaori KITSU and the MinYo.
He also performs with musicians such as Morio AGATA, Shoji AKETAGAWA, Han ARAI(pantomime), Ryo ISHIBASHI, Fumio ITABASHI, Kiyoshiro IMAWANO, Chikara UEDA, Ryudo UZAKI, Kantaro UCHIDA, Kazuhisa UCHIHASHI, Miyoko EBIHARA(belly dance), Kohei OIKAWA, Shizuru OHTAKA, Mishio OGAWA, Itaru OKI, Kaori KAGAYA(dance), Hiroaki KATAYAMA, Crmen Maki, Atsuki KIMURA, Shigeri KITSU, Mika KUROSAWA(dance), Kyoko KURODA, Hitoshi KOMURO, Shota KOYAMA, Michiko GODAI, Shun SAKAI, Akira SAKATA, Takeshi SHIBUYA, Kazuko SHIRAISHI, Kiyohiko SENBA, Chikuzan TAKAHASHI(Jr.), Kazuko TAKEMOTO(dance), Kensaku TANIKAWA, Toshiaki CHIKU, Shuichi CHINO, Masato TOMOBE, Yoshiro NAKAMURA, Keiji HAINO, Hashiken, Eiichi HAYASHI, Masumi HARA, Mieko HIROTA, Sanshiro FUJIMOTO, Kiyomi MAEDA(dance), Koichi MAKIGAMI, Kan MIKAMI, Keiki MIDORIKAWA, Michiyo YAGI, Yosuke YAMASHITA, Un YAMADA(dance), Leonard ETO, Cooco, MAHA(belly dance), Soul Flower Union, Zabadak, Alan Silva, Bill Mays, Billy Bang, Carlo Actis Dato, Joëlle Leandre, Loren Newton, Sellen Gülün, Zakir Hussein, etc.
The play “GHETTO” (directed by Tamiya Kuriyama) where Ohta played the role of a Jewish violin player, was awarded the Yomiuri Theatre Award, the Mainichi Arts Award.
His recent work includes his performance in Turkey with Yosuke YMASHITA, performances in India and Nepal with Masahiko SATO, the Tokyo, Vietnam and Romania production of a string puppet theatre group Yuukiza performance directed by Yoji SAKATE of RINKOGUN, a performance in Russia with Alexei Aigui.
He is the voice of Professor Smart Phone in NHK program “Face TV”. He is the music director for hulu series “You’re kind when it rains”, Kazuyoshi KUSHIDA’s play “The Cherry Orchard, Street #24”(presented in Theatre Cocoon and other venues).
As leader, he has recorded albums such as “Blue Rondo a la Turk” (Duo with New York based jazz pianist Bill Mays), “Caprice Portamento Island” (Duo with Rusian violinist Alexei Aigui), and the “Yolcu-Yoldaş Live”.