Live Data
2020 July. 30
Shooting: 映像作成の人
Sound Remix: 音声作成の人

MUSIC SITE for Live Houses,Musicians & Listeners
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なお、誠に勝手ながら、Twitterのリプライ、DMへのお返事には対応しておりませんので、「About us」内「Contact us」より、お問い合わせ、ご感想、ご意見をお送りいただきますようお願い致します。
・From home screen
Trailers (video only) for currently available or available for pre-order videos will play on the upper portion of the page.You can navigate videos with the <> buttons.
If you click the "Watch page" arrow, you will be transferred to the concert venue page.
You can also check the concert details and venue from the programming calendar on the home screen. Details will pop up if you click on the availability time period.
・From musician's page
In the upper right of the page, if there is a "Watch page" arrow, the video is currently available or available for pre-order. If you click this arrow, you will be transferred to the concert venue page.
・Concert venue page
Click the "Buy for ¥1,000" button on the trailer screen.
Vimeo's login page will open. Please login or create an account.
The payment window will open. Please enter your payment information. Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) and PayPal are acccepted.
After paying, return to the concert venue page.
If you click the play button on the video, it will begin. In cases of pre-orders, the video will become playable once it is available.
Videos are available for two weeks; you can watch them as many times as you want during this period.
I'm afraid that we cannot provide support from Twitter replies or DMs. Please send your inquires, thoughts, and opinions by the "Contact us" section of the "About us" page.